Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Reduce Waist Size with Green Tea

Here is what Dr Oz has to say about green tea. Ever since I read this I never forgot it...this is from the book "YOU ON A DIET"

"Current thinking is that catechins in green tea inhibit the breakdown of fats, and also inhibit production of the inflammation-causing substance nf-Kappa-B. Studies show that drinking 3 glasses of green tea a day reduced body weight and waist circumference by 5 percent in 3 months. It also increases metabolism (all non-herbals have substances that increase the metabolic rate)."

Note, that loose leaf high quality green tea is much more effective. 

Preventing Cancer through Diet

We often have a hard time believing that simple choices we make each day-what we eat, how we respond to stress, whether we smoke, how much we exercise, and how well our social relationships support us- can make powerful differences in our health and well-being, even in our survival. But they often do.

For example, did you know that you can reduce your risk of breast cancer or improve your survival of cancer by eating differently? It really is quite simple. Society just makes us believe that we are doomed if we get cancer. I beg to differ....

Surviving Breast Cancer:

All women should know that just by consuming SOY you can increase your survival to breast cancer! In 2009, the Journal of the American Medical Association found that women diagnosed with breast cancer who consumed soy products such as soy milk, tofu, or edamame have 32% lower risk of recurrence and a 29% decreased risk of death, compared with similar women who consumed little or no soy. After I read the study I thought, "well how many people did they test this on??!"...IT HAS GOT TO BE BIAS! Turns out that the report was based on the largest population-based study of breast cancer survival -The Shanghai Breast Cancer Survival Study, which followed more than 5000 women for FOUR YEARS! Long term studies are always much more accurate.

Reduce Risk of Breast Cancer:

According to the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (March 2010), the consumption of soy, fruits, and vegetables helps reduce the risk of breast cancer. In fact, the research was based on more than 34, 000 women in the Singapore Chinese Health Study. That's a loooot of women = reliable study!! Furthermore, they found that the LONGER the women had consumed these healthy foods, the less chance they had of developing breast cancer.

Reduce risk of Prostate Cancer:

In a study of more than 175,000 men published in the American Journal of Epidemiology in October of 2009, the med who consumed the most red meat had a 30% increased risk of prostate cancer, compared to those who consumed the least red meat.

So basically eat more vegetables and soy products. Reduce your read meat intake too if you can.

 © new wave ideas -Sara Bonham

Monday, February 27, 2012

World's Largest Bamboo Commercial Structure

The world's largest bamboo commercial structure is built right now in Bali, Indonesia..even better, when it is finished it will house an organic chocolate factory!!! The 23,000 square foot building will showcase the plant and its many uses.

What is so unique about bamboo is that it grows quickly, is very cheap and is as tough as concrete.

Learn more about this bamboo extravaganza click here.

 © new wave ideas -Sara Bonham

Inhalable Chocolate!!! -Sign Me Up!!!

Harvard professor invents inhalable caffeine sticks and inhalable chocolate-neat! However, I am not sure how much this will draw consumers away from Starbucks, as it is the experience associated with drinking coffee that people love.  
Want to learn more? Click here.

 © new wave ideas -Sara Bonham